Countdown to D-DAY

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pure bliss

I've found my iphone :) thanks to Uncle Rahman (who is back to driving Baby Elephant and I in the mornings!!)

I'm fighting extreme exhaustion as I work, but can't resist putting up this picture. Why do I love watching him sleep? I cannot answer that and I cannot help myself.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Loss of concentration

Loss of motivation

Lost the need for caffeine

Lost my pictures with baby Elephant and Vader

Lost my camera (the one that i actually do bring around)

Lost my music

Lost my phone contacts

Lost my schedules

Lost my budgeting tool



Lost my iphone.

Friday, October 1, 2010

You know you're turning into an auntie when....

Just this week, I found myself actually googling for cleaning tips and for baby-safe ant-killers. I didn't chance upon the sites because they advertised somewhere and I clicked on them. I actively searched for them:)

One site I like is , and I've subscribed to their free weekly email newsletter with tips on cleaning. Tips on getting rid of stains, whitening white clothes naturally (i.e. without chemicals), tips for the different rooms in the house :) It's just exciting!!

Love it! Love it! Love it!