Countdown to D-DAY

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Not. Hah! Misleading title, yes I know.

My memory fails me so I can't recall if I've ever written a post on this, although I have a sneaking suspicion I might have ....

It started when Chris was still in utero and we found out he was a boy. It continues now when we meet people. Oh, all the comments are from ladies, except the last one. Here's a list of comments plus my honest responses that didn't get to see the light of day because I usually try to be polite:

1. "Another boy? Are you disappointed?"

Why would I be? I have a wonderful boy already and having another one would be like having a second special present. Boys are harder to conceive, apparently. My productive system seems to be superior, fortunately for me :)~

2. "You don't want to have a replica of yourself?"

Ermmm... No.... There can only be one of me and I'd like to keep it that way.

3. "Girls are nice to doll up, you know?"

I know, that's why I had more than 30 Barbie dolls growing up. I've since grown out of that habit.

4. "So wasted, you should have a girl cos you're pretty."

I know, and nature would like to ensure that there's only one of me.

5. "You know, attractive people give birth to girls?"

Ok:) it seems I'm the anomaly.

This one's from Vader:
6. "If we had a girl who looked like you, I'm gonna have lots of problems when she grows up."

This is probably the only reason why i might want a girl, because she would make her daddy melt.

The issue I have with comments like these are that they are thoroughly senseless. I have lost a child in utero before and if that didn't teach me that the gender, the looks, or anything about my child mattered more than his/ her health and happiness, I must be a moron. I am not, thankfully.

I still don't understand though, why gender matters so much to people.

There are also more rules or expectations that girls 'should' conform to. I don't conform to many of them. So if I had a daughter, not only would I be a non conformist or viewed as non compliant, I would also be leading her astray, or so it seems.

So leave me be, and I'll continue keeping my comments to myself, ok, to my little part of cyberspace that no one bothers with.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

So Far

We have come so far and done so well. Take me further, even though I haven't a clue where we're going.

Yes, kids, most of the time, mommy hasn't the slightest idea where things are headed. But do continue to trust and things will reveal themselves in good time.