The ordinary, seemingly boring things that we do day after day. The mundane.
In my teens and twenties, I would scoff at writing and thinking about them. Who would be interested in reading about them. Why would anyone bother?
Well in my thirties now, the mundane things that my children and husband do are what I want never to end. Watching them sleeping peacefully, having them clambour onto me in the morning, the boys singing loudly together in the shower, goofily laughing at silly things, Chris running up to me with his mouth full of his Nutella sandwich, J dressed up in his self-designed superhero costume.. J eating his apple and looking like a chipmunk.. My hubby.. Everything he does is strange and hilarious! His constant Garfield-like demeanor poses a stark contrast to his quickstep, lightning speed actions when he is actually in motion. Until he settles back into a chair again, that is! His clumsiness, his pockets jingling and jangling when he walks due to his mints and coins and keys. His kangaroo pouch that never disappears even when he's lost some weight. His awkwardness in expressing his love, yet how proud he is of himself when he does manage to express himself😀 - childlike behavior that beats a suave guy anytime.
Who would be interested in reading about these mundane descriptions? It doesn't matter. In fact, the less people know, the more precious these memories are. They are memories only my little family will be able to appreciate fully because we are what make them.