Countdown to D-DAY

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Mama! Book! Weed!

We brought baby Vader to Borders over the weekend again. He gets excited just running around from shelf to shelf picking out books, with daddy following right behind him, just barely catching up sometimes, as he darts around. I settled down next to the book bin, and would find baby Vader running back to me with a different book each time, asking to be read to. 

I always want to remember how baby Vader puts the book in front of us and climbs into our laps expectantly, knowing he will enjoy being read to. There will come a time when he will retreat to his own little corner or room to enjoy reading in solitude. Until then, I will enjoy reading to him. When he no longer needs mum or dad to read to him, I wish for him all the joy that reading brings. That more than being just a source of information, his books will become prized possessions that father and son can share. I don't understand why Vader enjoys collecting books, although I know he enjoys reading. I'm the sort who treasures old books that have comments in the margins and are perhaps a little dog-eared. Somehow, they remind me of how I fell in love with the book, the characters or perhaps the theme of the book, almost like reading entries in an old journal. While I don't understand why Vader treats his books the way he does, something about it makes me smile, ok, I laugh sometimes. That is not to say I won't get annoyed if he treats them better than he treats his family.

So one of the must haves in my bag when going out with baby Vader is one of his books. Toys don't seem to occupy him for long, but books do, thankfully.

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