Countdown to D-DAY

Monday, May 5, 2014

Not yet

Monday... Not yet..

I recall spending the entire weekend with the kids. No Saturday church class and we didn't attend mass as J and I aren't feeling well.... Especially J.

Chris is on the tail end of his viral fever and almost completely healed. Vader is somewhat well but I suspect not fully recovered. 

So we slept in, went out for a late breakfast or brunch. Grocery shopping, then headed home to read. The kids wanted early naps so we slept through lunch time on both Saturday and Sunday. 

We woke up for an early dinner, close to 5.30pm, which seems to work really really well. Then earlier showers and much more time for reading and even some tv! 

Then I realise... That I've lost track of time. I wake up at 1am, feeling wonderful and thinking about what we would doing the following morning with the kids. Then the heart stabbing pain of reality registers and I know I have to be at work in a few hours. I want to kick and cry and scream.

But I turn and look at my kids and I think it's ok. We have time. Not much left, but still time, yes. 

Friday, March 28, 2014


Pulled over my eyes 

In limbo, yet more settled

Nomadic, yet grounded

Distant, but more attached

Ageing, still sprouting

Fewer words, yet growing in understanding

Speeding forward, yet seeing in slow motion

My hand releases, my heart envelopes

My exterior, my inner self

My rock

My cushions

My parts and my whole.

My present and my future.

Overwhelmed, yet never tiring of it.