Countdown to D-DAY

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


 Baby Vader likes his umbrellas, anything that looks like an umbrella, even the lacy, pink food cover that hangs in one one of our kitchen cabinets.

Oh yes, he can't yet pronounce the entire word, so his attempt at the moment is an emphatic "Umbrrrrr!!!!!" .

On a separate note, I've been reminded several times, not to let him play in the kitchen, but I still do, when I'm there with him. I imagine being a curious child, looking into the kitchen and wanting to be where mummy is, trying to do what mummy is doing, and not allowed to. I would be frustrated if I were him. I teach him not to come near the stove when it's in use, so he stands at the kitchen doors and look in when I need to use the stove. I remind him constantly that the dustbin is a place we throw things and that we never pick things up from it. This one requires constant reminders because he pushes his luck all the time.

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