Countdown to D-DAY

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Family time

We don't get much family time these days. I usually spend one on one time with either Baby elephant or Chris while my helper (or Vader on weekends) takes care of the other child.

The boys are still on different schedules; Chris still needing two naps each day for a long while more. They eat at different times so mealtimes are also not family time.

I wanted so much to ask Vader if we could all go out as a family for dinner today, but I know Baby elephant will only wake up at 6pm from his nap and Chris's bedtime is around 7.30pm. That doesn't give us much time to change, travel, order and eat, then travel home again, even if it were at the mall nearby. Even if we could pull it off, it wouldn't be too enjoyable.

I'll need to wait a few more months to see if their schedules slowly shift to allow more time as a family. We'll get there soon!

Guess what? We went out for dinner as a family today and enjoyed ourselves! We had pizza, even Chris, yes! Baby elephant didn't eat much of it probably because he wasn't used to the thin, hard crust or maybe it was the cheese. Perhaps it was the break in his routine, he's always had all his meals at home or we would bring out his homecooked food. Poor boy. We then went in search of banana yogurt at Coffee Bean but they weren't selling it at the West Coast plaza outlet. Again, poor boy. But we got him ice cream and he was satisfied.

Chris managed to stay awake and was jovial throughout dinner and dessert, only beginning to get grumpy on the ride home.

Vader also kept me guessing about our outing next Saturday. I spent the entire evening guessing and finally got it on the way home. Yippee!! I'll share more after the outing then. Yay!

I love Sunday evenings spent with my three boys.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


A highly sought after commodity. Just ask anyone whose trust has been betrayed one way or another or who's been disappointed before.

Even between people who love each other dearly, there are always trust issues to work on. Here are some trust issues I face:

1. I find it hard to trust someone fully with a fretful baby when I've seen them rattle a bottle in a baby's mouth previously.

2. I can't trust someone who's told her own child that she's given up on her.

3. I can't trust someone who's taken out her frustrations on her child while using a belt to beat her and then fucking forgets all about it years later.

4. I can't trust someone who treasures saving money/ convenience over values or quality or my child.

5. I'm unwilling to trust someone who tells me they support breastfeeding but on the side, criticizes children who are nursed over a year and labels them mamby pamby. I think these people need to grow up and deal with their insecurities or jealousy over the mother-child bond that's IMO impossible to break.

6. It's also hard to trust someone who tells me long term goals are more important, but judges the child's behavior by how long the child can sit still and shut up.

Yes, I mean you, you know who you are. Actually just 2 people lar.

I'm sure people also have trust issues with me. Oh well, isn't all fun?

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Working out unleashes and rids me of my inner demons. Or perhaps it tires me, so on those occasions i feel like beating the crap out of some adults, my body actually feels too relaxed to even get up.

God help me when my helper goes on home leave. I'll try to work in short ten minute sessions.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Killer workout

On the spur of the moment, I decided to do a ZWOW today. It doesn't require an interval timer so it's cool!

Almost died though. Here's the workout sequence and my timing:

Dive bombers 10 reps
Burpees 5 reps
Squat leg lifts 20/20 reps
Burpees 5 reps
Side plank lifts 10/10 reps
Burpees 5 reps
Pistol squats 10/10 reps
Burpees 5 reps

3 rounds of above circuit for time.

My time: 21:03 minutes.

I also cannot squat for the pistol squat. Mad good! I have a new challenge to conquer!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

30 Day Shred - Reflections

Cutting to the chase here.

Is it difficult?
Hell, yes. Even level 1 was a challenge when I began. I don't think it'd be a walk in the park even if I returned to it now. Level 3 still had me cursing under my breath at day 30.

Is it effective?
Yes, I would say so. I don't weigh myself anymore, but I can tell from how my clothes are hanging off me now. My tees and jeans are all loose, maybe even looser than before i got pregnant with Chris. My butt no longer fills the pants so maybe, just maybe I need a size smaller. My arms, thighs and calves all feel way toner, no more flab there. I feel my abs under some flab still, but if I continue working out, I'm sure the flab will eventually melt away.

Overall satisfaction:
Very satisfied. It's tough and it stretches you, but you change circuits before you actually collapse, plus the entire workout lasts only 20 minutes. Jillian pushes you but I must say she comes across as really encouraging in this DVD. At the end of the day, it produces results, so I'd say it was definitely a good buy!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

30 Day Shred - Day 30!!!!

Done! Day 30!!!

I've officially completed the 30 Day Shred! I'm mighty pleased with myself :)

But I've decided to carry on with level 3 until my interval timer arrives. Then I'll move on to Bodyrocking for 12 minutes a day. Exciting times ahead!

30 Day Shred - Day 29


Goodness! One more day left! I've actually done it:)

Man, my right shoulder hurts!

It was a night workout again this time. I realize I'm huffing and puffing quite heavily, only that during the day, I can turn up the DVD volume so my heavy breathing is masked ahahaha!

I haven't decided what I'll do after day 30, but if I'm repeating any of the 30 DS levels, I probably won't post about them daily, otherwise it'll get old real quick.

I've to remember to do a short write up on my reflections and of course, results. May be part of day 30's post or a separate one. We'll see.

About cravings, I think it really is true that if you cut out junk, you stop craving it. In my case, I think the cravings have slowly subsided. How cool is that! But I've decided I'll have maybe a cheat day a week, it'll make me more human haha!

Friday, March 2, 2012

On my mind

Dear Baby Elephant,

I need to record this before I forget all about it.

Last week, mommy made you a 'tent' in the study with 2 chairs, my blanket and pegs. We were reading in our tent using our flashlights. You chose the super bright one and gave mommy the black one which gives of relatively dim light haha! So I had to keep asking you to shine your torch on our book so I could continue reading to you.

I explained what we could do while camping and while I moved on to reading the children's encyclopedia to you, you kept repeating the word 'camping' to yourself. Haha! I could almost hear the fascination growing in your head as you looked around, felt the breeze of the fan blowing and cuddled with mommy under the cushions. I had told you that it would be cold if we camped outdoors and would need to keep ourselves warm in the tent. Also, that we usually sit n crouch a little in tents as they aren't high enough for us to stand up in.

So then we continued reading about nature, plants, manmade inventions and animals and mommy forgot all about the time, until grandma and Aunty A started calling you out for dinner.

I crawled out of the tent and told you we could set up camp another day. That was when you started crying... You refused to come out of the tent! Argh!!! So I sat down and talked to you a little more from outside the tent and after you calmed down a little, I switched on the room lights and told you I needed your help to pack up. You started crying again and when I unpegged the blanket, you started sobbing uncontrollably.... Not the insistent, insolent or whiny type of cry. It sounded to me like a genuine cry for help.., because you loved the experience of 'camping' with mommy and having attention lavished on you. I would have continued our camping but there are things that need to be done everyday. There is a time for play and a time for other things like meals, baths and naps. Be assured that mommy knows how you feel even when we don't do everything you want right there and then.

Mommy loves you, my baby elephant!

30 Day Shred - Day 28


Strangely, it's getting tougher. By the middle of circuit 1, I feel like stopping. But by the time I'm through with circuit 1, I know there's no turning back since there are only 3 short circuits.

You know what, my tummy looks almost flat now, especially in the mornings! Although when I'm doing crunches or sit-ups, I see the flab:(

Just ordered my interval timer! Woot!!! So I think I might repeat level 3 until the interval timer arrives, then start on Bodyrock! Yay! However... my mom will be traveling soon, so for that entire period of 9 days, I won't have time during the day to workout. Hopefully I can manage some night workouts then. Fingers crossed!!!

Some thoughts on my diet:
Optimum results could possibly be achieved if I were to clean up my diet totally, that's for sure. However, at the moment, with 2 kids to take care of, I'm a little time strapped when it comes to food preparation. I've made some shifts in my diet though; cut out as much processed food as possible, afternoon snack is yogurt with granola and fruits, divided my lunch (tingkat) into two portions so half is eaten for dinner. I also share some of Chris's food that I prepare - mainly fruits, veggies and a steamed or grilled meat. So I ensure I'm still eating sufficiently to nurse him and also increasing my total fruit intake. I must confess it feels good actually.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sweet Revenge

After the poop drought over last Sunday and Monday, it's been like the revenge of the poop since Tuesday.... Argh... I'm getting a bit tired of changing diapers cos of the struggling.... Argh....

Chris... You pooped down mommy's leg while I was showering you this morning....

It's not diarrhea and definitely not constipation over the drought season. It was just storing up....